Short description: In large-scale private forests, a lot of manpower is needed to detect critical changes in forests condition in time to react and safe the forest from greater destruction. For this an automated warning system is required to increase efficiency by targeted ground monitoring.
Market potential: Forests in Europe are often privately owned (48% of the total forest in Germany). Especially the foresters in large-scale forests welcome solutions to help them to find critical changes easier.
Timing: The climate change causes more often and even faster critical changes in the forests. A pilot in 2022 is required to see the potential forest technology has to support foresters in the field.
Desired result: The warning system should increase the foresters efficency and help them to find critical changes faster and more reliable. It should be possible to stop the spread of the bark beetle and keep forests more healthy with less effort.
Information on challenge owner: Small SME (10-49 staff).
Market presence of challenge owner: Active in several countries.
Keywords: Forest protection; Forest technology; Large-scale private forests; Space-Tech; Automated forest monitoring