Short description: The challenge owner develops and manages building automation systems for large factories or office buildings. The solution should allow integrating weather forecast data (available on the market) into their own software, enabling a more energy and cost-efficient building operation.
Market potential: With increasing requirements for energy efficiency and rising energy prices, the market potential for solutions which improve the operation of existing factory and office buildings is very high.
Timing: Solutions are welcome as soon as possible.
Desired result: The new solution should provide inputs for the building control software, using existing hourly predictive weather data (e,g. temperature/solar radiation/precipitation/ humidity) for specific locations in the next 24 hours. This would increase energy efficiency and the challenge owner’s services.
Information on challenge owner: Mid-Cap (250-3,000 staff).
Market presence of challenge owner: Global presence.
Keywords: Building automation; Processing of weather forecast data; Energy efficiency; Operation of commercial buildings; Beckhoff; Automation