Short description: To develop a rapid test for a polymorphism that has been associated with better outcomes in patients with severe respiratory conditions. These patients are more responsive to early cytokine treatment and are less likely to be admitted to the intensive care unit.
Market potential: Every year 50K patients get ARDS in the EU, one reason being COVID-19. Nearly half of patients have the SNP that brings about more beneficial outcomes from company’s drug as well as standard of care.
Timing: Asap. COVID19 has been a devastating pandemic. Seasonal pandemics like influenza will continue. It is imperative to recognize patients with beneficial outcomes from glucocorticoid and IFNb treatment.
Desired result: A rapid test to identify patients with a SNP that brings benefit with glucocorticoids and endogenous interferon to bring about both a survival benefit and reduction in cost to the taxpayer. This will also bring about the first genetic driven critical care drug.
Information on challenge owner: Small SME (10-49 staff).
Market presence of challenge owner: Active in one country.
Keywords: Single nucleotide polymorphism; Bedside test; ARDS; COVID-19; Health tech