Short description: Solution will introduce smart suregry planning and performance automation thus increasing surgery efficiency from time perspective. It will reduce patients recovery risks and make more efficient use of medical resources like pharmacies and surgery tools this way minimizing extensive medical waste.
Market potential: 27787 surgeries performed in 2018 (per 100 000 inhabitants, top 10 procedures, according to Eurostat). Potential other users of the solution – stomatologists.
Timing: Solution is needed immediately as it is current painkiller.
Desired result: The desired results and outcomes of the solution is reduced surgery times, reduction of surgeons overloading thus improving their work quality and minimization of medical waste, optimization of pharmacies usage.
Information on challenge owner: Mid-Cap (250-3,000 staff).
Market presence of challenge owner: Active in several countries.
Keywords: Surgery; Smart Automation; Planning; Managment