Short description: The smart and conventional space elements (benches, statues, displays, playground parts etc.) are exposed to damaging and stealing. These must also be checked, maintained and registered in the settlemements. An application would make it easer for the users.
Market potential: Target group – The country consists of 3155 settlements of which there are 346 cities (1 capital, 23 cities with county rights), 2809 villages (128 municipalities) according to the data of 01/01/2019.
Timing: The solution can be implemented within 3-6 months.The inventory of space elements is regulated by legislation, a failure may result in serious fine.
Desired result: To improve the prevention of consistence of space elements (statues, benches, shrines etc.), to make an opportunity to report and the image of a “caring settlement” in the residents by the quick feedback. For municipalities to meet the required documentation goal.
Information on challenge owner: City/municipality.
Keywords: Digital Systems, Digital Representation; User Interfaces, Usability; Artificial Intelligence (AI); Information Technology/Informatics; Cloud Technologies