Short description: New EU legislation allows that renewable electricity is exchanged between citizens within “Renewable Energy Communities” (REC) without involving an electricity retailer. A new software is needed to support members in managing, visualising and optimising loads and consumption in small RECs.
Market potential: Small, local RECs are expected to see a very fast market growth in the EU as more Member States adapt their legislation for this model. This will create a growing market for REC management solutions.
Timing: In countries like Austria where all legal requirements are in place, REC management software solutions are needed as soon as possible.
Desired result: The tool will enlarge the challenge owner’s energy advice service portfolio by supporting clients to manage new RECs. It will support data import from the grid operator and assist in internal accounting.
Information on challenge owner: Regional Energy Agency
Keywords: Renewable Energy Communities; Energy management; Solar electricity (PV); Visualisation Load management