Short description: Children in crisis need a solution for a safe online environment, where they can simply contact social care experts and find help (chatbox, emails, sms) A system that will care for anonymity and identity shielding and at the same time be interactive and easily accessible (24/7).
Market potential: A similar system can be implemented in other children and youth care NGOs, even schools. The main issue is GDPR compliance and anonymity for the users (children, youths).
Timing: The problem is universal and children need effective digital solutions they can trust to find help when they need it. We can proceed with the development as soon as possible.
Desired result: A secure (anonymity) and interactive digital solution enabling youth and children to communicate with social care experts 24/7.
Information on challenge owner: NGO for youth social care.
Keywords: GDPR health and social care; Digital platform; Anonymity system; Interactive platform