Short description: In the factory there are two systems – IFS and FactoryLogix for production control. A lot of data must be stored in both systems. There is no common interface to input data into both systems at once. It’s big waste from lean manufacturing point of view. SW Dev. is needed to connect both systems.
Market potential: Automation of data management will eliminate waste in production. It will allow to improve production within new projects . Solution can be distributed in other plants.
Timing: The solution could be implemented ASAP.
Desired result: Desired result is getting Software that will get data from operator and will send it to two systems. It has to cooperate with IFS and FactoryLogix.
Information on challenge owner: Mid-Cap (250-3,000 staff).
Market presence of challenge owner: Active in several countries.
Keywords: Data Processing; Database Management; Applications software; Data Interchange; Other software services