Short description: Number of EV cars rise, but charging points are used as parking space, following a lack of charging infrastructure. New law which obliges the driver to pull the car out of the charging station ASAP after charging is issued, but the situation has not changed.
Market potential: Driver should be charged x eur/h after battery is fully charged. This can be addressed to 12.3 million semi/public charge points EU-wide in 2025.
Timing: As soon as possible – lack of charging infrastructure and inconvenient behavior of drivers leads to slower EV penetration.
Desired result: No parking at charging points. Public and semipublic charging point availability for clients, partners and employees who are in need to charge an EV.
Information on challenge owner: Mid-size SME (50-259 staff).
Market presence of challenge owner: Active in several countries.
Keywords: Energy for Transport; Knowledge Management, Process Management; Hybrid and Electric Vehicles; Traffic Engineering/Control Systems; Charging system