Short description: Cardiovascular risk assessment is important in identifying high risk patients. Currently available measuring devices measure the pulse wave velocity in several blood vessels at the same time (aorta, carotid artery, femoral artery) or in peripheral in the blood vessels (carotid artery, spinal artery).
Market potential: Allied Market Research experts predict that in 2022 the global UG appliance market could reach almost 10.5 billion USD. System is needed in various types of Health assessment institutions around globe.
Timing: Solution is already in a high need because of increasing number of cardiovascular patients.
Desired result: Inexpensive, portable, direct a two-dimensional Doppler device measuring aortic stiffness (Aortic echotometer), which could be widely used in everyday clinical practice, measurements could be easily performed by medical nurses and it could be used for cardiovascular prevention programs.
Information on challenge owner: Mid-size SME (50-259 staff).
Market presence of challenge owner: Active in several countries
Keywords: Medical Technology/Biomedical Engineering ; Heart and blood circulation illnesses; Medical imaging; Cardiology; Ultrasound imaging