Short description: One of the challenges for physicians in geriatrics is the interdisciplinary consolidation and interpretation of the enormous amount of data obtained from diagnostic procedures._x000D_
Therefore, a diagnostic solution for geriatrics is sought that brings together the various disciplines and user groups.
Market potential: Users (worldwide): nursing homes, doctors, patients, mobile care service; Market volume (GER): 1999: 2Mio people in the very elderly group were in need of long-term care , 2013: 2,6Mio, 2025: >3Mio
Timing: Urgent action and development is needed due to demographic change. The start can be asap. The solution does not have to be finalized yet, a first prototype should be ready at the end of the challenge.
Desired result: Development of an AI-based diagnostic solution for geriatrics. This brings together clinics, family doctors, nursing staff and patients on a single platform, detects diseases at an early stage, avoids redundant, unnecessary treatments and prevents cost-intensive follow-up treatments in hospital.
Information on challenge owner: NGO/NPO.
Keywords: Digital Diagnostics; Geriatrics; Medical Data interpretation; Diseases; Artificial Intelligence