Short description: There are many health apps and digital solutions. Elderly people or people with dissabilities tend to have difficulties with given solutions, but on the other hand have a high demand for such tools. There’s a need to come up with new, innovative approaches to create accessibility for potential users.
Market potential: Worldwide Digital Health Market size is expected to grow from USD 84.08 Billion in 2019 to reach USD 220.94 Billion by 2026, at 14.8% annual CAGR growth during forecast period of 2021.
Timing: The solution can be used as soon as available and should be developed within the next two years.
Desired result: Either a working Application / Solution which can be integrated cross-platform (MVP/Prototpye) or feasibility studies and concepts.
Information on challenge owner: Small SME (10-49 staff).
Market presence of challenge owner: Active in several countries.
Keywords: Digital Systems, Digital Representation; Embedded Systems and Real Time Systems; Smart Appliances; Data Processing/Data Interchange, Middleware; Computer Software