
Medical Values

Solution Providers
Medical Values


  Country: Germany

  Founding year: 2021

  Key technologies: AI, Healthcare

  Team size: 30

Medicalvalues supports the diagnostic process by combining machine learning and a knowledge graph in the area of medical laboratory data. The medicalvalues platform provides physicians with an interface that helps them select parameters and proposes diagnostic suggestions (including differential diagnosis paths).

About the Solution: AI diagnostic support for geriatrics

URBAN TECH Challenge: Digital cross-sector diagnosis and process optimization in geriatrics

Challenge owner: In Würde alt werden e.V. (Germany)

Sector: Health Tech

Funding received: up to 27000 EUR

Type: Software

Customer focus: B2B

Target Market: Local;National;Multi-country

The Solution is an AI diagnostic support system for geriatrics, aiming to enhance outpatient care efficiency and address caregiver shortages. Through collaboration with Diakonie Baden / EAH St. Georgen, the project focuses on developing a unified app to facilitate collaborative task management among professional and informal caregivers. Despite challenges such as technical issues and complex user interfaces, the pilot phase is rated successful. Plans for scalability include expanding to other regions and countries, leveraging existing networks and partnerships. Mentoring and participation in demonstration events have played pivotal roles in the project’s progress, emphasizing the potential for sustainable improvements in care structures.

Meet the team
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