
HealthX Future

Solution Providers
HealthX Future


  Country: Germany

  Founding year: 2018

  Key technologies: Healthcare Technologies, AI

  Team size: 5

  Member of incubators/ accelerators/ programmes: Alumni: OHA Osnabrück Healthcare Accelerator, Digital Hub Accelerator, Start-ups Meet Healthcare Providers Programme


About the Solution: Care app (“Sorge-App”)

URBAN TECH Challenge: Barrier-free usability solution for digital health applications

Challenge owner: NOVAZOON GmbH (Germany)

Sector: Health Tech

Funding received: up to 27000 EUR

Type: Software

Customer focus: B2B

Target Market: Global

The Solution enables care communities or care arrangements consisting of outpatient care services and informal caregivers, which are primarily family caregivers, to organize the entire day-to-day care. The Solution’s functional scope includes newsfeed, task management, messenger, and a dashboard with, for example, important contact or emergency data. People in need of care can
also become part of a care arrangement with the Alexa functionalities developed in the MVP phase, living self-determined lives at home for longer. The different user groups are connected to the platform according to their needs and potential barriers to allow for a high level of usability and great user experience.
Much emphasis was placed on creating a barrier-free offering. This was implemented using three pillars:

The app is developed taking into account international guidelines for accessibility, including text readability (font sizes, typography, contrasts), the use of text alternatives (esp. video and audio content), and UI elements (contrasts, color as the sole means of information).

Curated content is made available to family caregivers, which is displayed AI-supported. Simple checklists as well as tips and tricks in text form are provided for use cases such as organizing doctor visits or ordering aids (e.g. care bed).

Patients without access to mobile devices can be connected to the platform without digital barriers and voice-controlled thanks to our Alexa functionalities, which were specially developed in the MVP phase. Using the Alexa functionalities, they can be reminded, for example, of a late visit by the outpatient service.

Meet the team
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