
Local Food

Solution Providers
Local Food


  Country: Bulgaria

  Founding year: 2021

  Key technologies: Corda, DLT, Blockchain

  Team size: 2

  Member of incubators/ accelerators/ programmes: R3 Corda venture development

Local Food is a trading platform built on Corda that uses DLT to track the origin of local food from farms to restaurants. Tourists get to know their food. Farmers get to know the people they feed. Made to advance sustainability along the food supply chain.

About the Solution: Local Food Kidz

URBAN TECH Challenge: From Farm to Fork – Connecting Farmers to Restaurants and Households

Challenge owner: Municipality of Kranj (Slovenia)

Sector: Greentech

Funding received: up to 27000 EUR

Type: Software

Customer focus: B2Cities

Target Market: Muilti-country

Local Food Kidz is a blockchain-based platform designed to improve transparency and sustainability in food procurement for schools and kindergartens. It operates on the Corda platform, making it both lightweight and compatible with existing procurement systems. The platform caters to various stakeholders, including food organizers, teachers, kids and their families, and regional and municipal bodies, offering features such as menu planning, educational tools about food sources, and detailed reporting on food sustainability efforts. Key functionalities added during the pilot include menu search capabilities, quality tracking in line with local standards, photo uploads, detailed ingredient listings, and enhanced delivery tracking with QR codes. Local Food Kidz is scalable and ready for broader application, aimed at increasing transparency and sustainability in public food services.

Meet the team
Meet the team
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