When: 18th May 2023, 09:00-13:30 CEST
Where: Online (Zoom)
This is the fifth of a series of 6 Workshops comprising URBAN TECH Joint Programe Training Sessions and will be hosted by TP LJ.
Solution providers selected as TOP 80 are supported by trainings for different business and entreprenurial skills:
- business development
- team building
- negotiation
- marketing
- sales
- relationship building
- marketing
- pitching
Workshop 5: Delivering an effective pitch
Goal: Provide a large toolbox of techniques that help the participants maximize the impact of their communication opportunities.
Outcome: Participants will be able to communicate with more confidence, clarity, and relevance for the audience. They will be able to apply the techniques to get the attention and retain it throughout their presentation. Their delivery will be more memorable and convincing. As one of the outcomes of the workshop they will be working on their actual pitch presentation, adding the techniques they learned. They will record it in a selfie video which will help them identify the strong points and work on improvements.
You can see the full Agenda here!
Martina Merslavič, CEO
Expertise: 25 years experience in communications, 10+ years experience in communications skills trainnings, more than 150 virtual and in-person sessions delivered in 2022, clients include Amazon, Meta, Citibank, BNY Mellon, cloudflare, S&P, Marsh, McLennan, Oliver Wyman, Google, siemens, Ikea, and many others.
Bio: Martina started her career in the largest regional communications agency Pristop where she had various roles, including Junior Partner. At Pristop she planned and delivered successful communications campaigns for clients in retail, CT and utilities industries. She also built large and diverse business network through her business development activites and learned how to lead agile, highly efficient teams. After 14 years in the agency, she moved to the client side. Martina led corporate communications at Siemens Adriatic where she got first hand experience with the functioning of a highly structured, complex organization. To pursue her entrepreneurial spirit, she moved on to become a freelance communication consultant and communications skills trainer, helping international clients speak outside of their comfort zone.
LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/martina-merslavi%C4%8D-62b62843/