Short description: Most railway regulations, processes and technologies are from the past and the industry cannot adapt to change fast enough; the new reality is addressed with old methods. Digitalization is today on a one-to-one basis and a common tech-independent base is needed.
Market potential: Modern methods and tools for the introduction of new technology is a game changer. With modern technology we can increase the rail traffic with 20-30% and reduce traffic disturbance with 25%.
Timing: The challenge is well expressed in reports and industry consensus. Suggested solution is supported by these reports and the sooner it can be realised the better.
Desired result: A framework to model sub-systems and interfaces on a conceptual level. Relations are today hidden in technical solutions, and with framework support we can raise the level of abstraction and remove technical dependencies. Creating the base for a tech-independent system.
Information on challenge owner: Public transport administration.
Keywords: Digital Systems, Digital Representation; Traffic Engineering/Control Systems; Simulation, Simulation Engineering; Digitalization Railway