Short description: We are looking for ways to make property maintenance more sustainable. Solutions can be anything between sustainable and measurable property maintenance service concept or elements of it and carbon neutral/zero emission service delivery. Also carbon hand print calculator is of interest.
Market potential: Challenge is universal and the market potential for solution is huge. Sustainability is rising theme also among the property maintenance sector.
Timing: Improving the sustainability of property maintenance is a continuous development project for the challenge owner. Adapting solutions in quarter 4/2022 and readiness to proceed in the beginning of 2023.
Desired result: To make property maintenance more sustainable and cost-efficient in several ways. Most of the costs for property owners are from maintenance of the property and lowering the energy costs plays important role. Carbon dioxide sequestration solutions for landscaping (of yard areas) are also interesting.
Information on challenge owner: Large company (> 3,000 staff).
Market presence of challenge owner: Active in one country.
Keywords: Property maintenance; Sustainability; Greentech ;Carbon hand print; Carbon dioxide; Sequestration