Short description: Solar generation has high daily and seasonal volatility in energy generation. A small-scale (hybrid) wind turbine would offer less variable and more predictable energy generation, resulting in higher yield for the consumer. The technology has advanced and market has changed to reevaluate technology.
Market potential: Target group: household owner, community houses, businesses; Est. market volume: 1.5 – 2.0 k.units/yr. Application possible in other countries (depends on the legislation) .
Timing: The need for solution is imminent. Distributed energy generation(DEG) is rising in Europe and Lithuania. As a largest energy provider in LT, Ignitis is ready to offer DEG other than PV.
Desired result: New, alternative small-scale wind generation product consumers can choose instead of PV generation. The solution should be competitive with PV, perform well technologically, and economically viable for cunsumers.
Information on challenge owner: Large company (> 3,000 staff).
Market presence of challenge owner: Active in several countries.
Keywords: Wind Energy; Energy Efficiency; Distributed power and grid connection; Energy for private/domestic housing; Energy for the community/public sector