Short description: Implement inovative tool and robust method for identification of patients and caregivers in the process of patient identification, collecting pathology samples, administering medications, increasing patient safety in operating rooms by applying standards to people, products and places.
Market potential: LSMU Kaunas hospital alone has more than 1600 hospital beds, more than 40000 hospitalized patients annually. There are more than 40000 beds distributed in 149 Lithuanian hospitals.
Timing: N/A.
Desired result: A solution has been developed and introduced for use, enabling the issuance of identifiers to incoming patients, linked to the hospital information system, and patient data. Patients, medicines, tests, medical equipment are uniquely identified and linked at all stages of healthcare delivery.
Information on challenge owner: Public hospital.
Keywords: Computer software; Labeling Scanning (OBR, OCR); Healthcare Patient