Short description: Due to the lack of manpower and at the same time the growing number of patients (children&youths), we need to optimize the work process, record and manage patient data (triage questionnaire) and establish an online contact system with patients parents.
Market potential: The system should support multilingual options and could then be implemented in mental health centers in different regions. The triage workflow is pretty much the same everywhere.
Timing: The current situation with the outdated approach does not allow us to accept patients fast enough. We are ready to proceed once we find the suitable solution, that could be implemented into our system.
Desired result: A digital triage questionary could be filled in online by the childrens (patient) parent. The data would only be shared with the right specialist in the center. The system will have to compliy to the needed GDPR and cyber-security standards.
Information on challenge owner: Youth health resort.
Keywords: Workflow optimization; Health data records; Data security; Data management triage questionnaire