Short description: There is a great mismatch between mental health support needs and support available. Current solutions – more psychologists, telemedicine, digital tools – alone cannot solve it sustainably. Data and technology must be utilised to reduce the use of professional’s time while serving more people.
Market potential: 50% of population is working, ¼ of them are suffering from mental health problems at any given year. Poor mental health costs employers 1.6% of GDP annually. 0.5-7B is spent on care management.
Timing: The sooner the better – mental health of adults is deteriorating with every month passed. What needs to be done is known – now the application of technology to automate and scale it must start.
Desired result: Smart platform to match the needs of individual employees and the company with relevant mental health services and solutions, including seamless digital solution for matching employees’ psychological profile and needs with the relevant psychosocial support tools – individual, digital and for groups.
Information on challenge owner: Regional Public Hospital.
Keywords: Patient Empowerment; Machine Learning; Mental Care and Health Services; Process Management and Optimization; Health Information Management