Short description: “Smart city” is an inflationary topic that cities are constantly confronted with. We would now like to holistically understand it. How smart can a smart city really be? What is an ideal smart city planning (cost-value ratio, actual benefits for citizens, positive effects on the quality of living)?
Market potential: A good solution i.e. overview on this topic can be offered to any region and/or city and function as a general information for urban development.
Timing: The current state of the art is unclear for those, who are at the beginning and are looking for experts in this field. A solution would be needed as soon as possible. Nevertheless, quality goes first.
Desired result: A potential solution could be a profile of requirements for smart cities that defines smart, what is needed and what is not as well as the effects on the actual quality of living.
Information on challenge owner: City/municipality.
Keywords: Urban Development; Economic Development; Smart City; Quality of Living; Holistical Approach