Short description: For patients with hypertension, we need a digital solution with greater ability to control the disease in the home environment. Enabling contactless transmission of blood pressure measurements, reminders for medical treatment and instructions for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Market potential: An example of good practice of a digital diary for hypertension can be transferred to all chronic conditions that need monitoring and control in both the clinical and home environment.
Timing: The problem is long existing, integration and testing of the solution in the clinical environment would be possible in 2022.
Desired result: The solution would be a digital diary for hypertension, a bridge between the patient, their lifestyle and medical supervision and disease control. The solution would empower the work of doctors, relieve them, and at the same time give the opportunity to monitor and control patients remotely.
Information on challenge owner: University Medical Center.
Keywords: Hypertension; Remote patient control; eHealth solution; Digital literacy; Healthy lifestyle