Short description: Educators have difficults to design or choose quality programs for health and prevention to teach in schools. There is a multitude of non-professional programs available online, with no evaluation system provided or modelarity. Which brings to low quality programs and detrimental effect on youths.
Market potential: The solution would be in certifying effective prevention programs and in a platform that connects program providers with schools. This work would facilitate almost 1000 schools in Slovenia.
Timing: Poor quality programs have an even greater negative impact on young people during the post COVID-19 recovery time.
Desired result: A platform would save educators a lot of time. They could folow up on credibility of organizations that use scientific knowledge for their work. It would also make it easier for us to coordinate the implementation of prevention programs with schools.
Information on challenge owner: Youth network
Keywords: Primary education; Prevention programs; Online platform; Evaluation system; Modular interactive platforms